Friday, April 26, 2013

6 Period World History, April 26

No Fast Five today!

Objectives: Today students will complete modern maps of Asia and Europe.   You must turn in at least at least the map of Europe today for a grade.  The map of Asia is due Monday.
YOU WILL HAVE a TEST on BOTH MAPS (Countries and Capitals)  on FRIDAY, MAY 3.  I suggest you take a second map home  of each continent to study a little each night.  Please notice how many points these two maps are worth.  The test on these maps will carry the most points you've had on any test this semester.  Don't try to memorize the numbers on the maps because they will be different on the tests.

If you did not turn in work from earlier in the week, you need to do so immediately. These three assignments were worth points:  reaction to the Hitler/Stalin film, re-action to the Holocaust film, and 7 quiz questions you created after reading pages 874-879.

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