Monday, April 22, 2013

6th Period World History, April 22

Announcements: Your signed grade sheet was due Friday, but you may turn it in today.
                          If you haven't turned in your binder for grading, you must do so today or you will receive a zero for this assignment when you progress report grade is determined.
 ALL late work must be turned in today to count on your progress report.
 Turn in your reaction essays to Thursday's film on Hitler and Stalin. (1. Compare and contrast Hitler and Stalin. OR 2. Why do people consider Hitler and Stalin among the most evil people who have ever lived?)

Fast 10:  Look at pictures on pages 810-811, and read the information.  Why do you think young people joined Hitler Youth?  OR Take 10 minutes to recover points, open book and open note, on Friday's test.  You may boost your score up to 9 points.

Objective: Today we will aquire info to help us analyze aspects of World War II by taking some  introductory notes  and reading pages 876-879.

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