Monday, March 11, 2013

6th Period World History, March 11

Fast 5:  Look at the picture on page 597.  Answer questions 1 and 2.

Today we will:

Take notes on the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror. These will be placed in binders. X

Read silently Chapter 18, section 3. 596-603. Answer questions 1-8 on page 603.  Turn in today or Wednesday. (didn't get to this)

Welcome Mr. Burrola! (x)

Turn in binders for grading.  (Include the notes you just took, and your signed course outline.)

Turn in any other work you have due, including "What is Government?" vocab from page 454,

Homework: Doomed March to Russia and 3 ways Napoleon changed the World. (distributed before Mr. Burolla came.)

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