Monday, March 18, 2013

7th Period World History March 19

Fast 5:  You've been learning about the French Revolution and today you will learn about revolutions in Latin America and Russia.  Answer these two questions:

A) Can you think of any revolutionary leaders in Mexico, Latin America or Russia? If yes, name them and what you know about them.

B)  What conditions make people want to over throw their government?   What conditions make it easier to make a government leader fall?

Today we will: 

     Discuss how our class handled new bathroom/water break rules.

     Discuss some of the questions we had last week about Napoleon

     Take notes on Latin American Revolutions and the Russian Revolution.

      Get into groups of 3, like last week, to read, take notes, and write questions on EITHER Chapter 21, Section 4 (pages 708 to 715 on Latin American Independence) OR  Chapter 23, Section 3 (pages 772 to 777 on the Russian Revolution). Your group must turn in your ABC summaries and questions for one of these TODAY.

       Wrap-up: We'll review what we learned, talk about new binder rules and late work.

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