Thursday, March 14, 2013

7th Period World History March 14

Fast 5 (or 10): Go to page 598, Read about the Louisiana Purchase, and answer questions 1 and 2.

---Announcements. Binders are not yet graded.  Make sure you leave it for me to grade.
--Turn in two worksheets on Napoleon today, your signed course outline, What is Government, and any other missing work.

Objectives: Today we will work in groups of three to read about Napoleon.  We will read pages 596 to 603. 

Groups will turn in one piece of paper with everyone's name on it.

Person A will read the section under the blue title. The paper should say the blue title, and the name of person A.
Person B will then summarize what was read, write the summary on the paper (one or two sentences) and read the summary to the group. Person C will write any questions he/she has, as well as any questions group members may add. (Questions could include definitions of words, where places are, or anything you did not understand).

There are 13 blue titles.  Group members switch letters after every blue title.

If the group finishes the reading, group members may earn bonus points for answering questions on page 603.

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