Sunday, March 3, 2013

6th Period World History March 4

Fast 5: For full credit write your full name, period number, seat number, and question; answer the question with at least three grammatically correct sentences.

Q: Tell me anything you know about France, Napoleon, or the French Revolution.  (If you can't think of anything, try looking at Chapter 18, which begins on page 574.)

Objectives: Today we will:
                  1. Take a few notes on the Englightenment (x)
                  2) Take quiz on rules x
                  3.) Go elsewhere on campus to T-272 at 2:15 to select classes x
                  4. Begin reading Chapter 18, Section 1, which begins on 574, allowing me to acquire information that will help me analyze developments of the French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon. (didn't get to this)

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